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Current Story: The Wallflower
Genre: Inspirational
Last Update: 8/15/11 by blue
Status: Incomplete

Last Story: The Legend of Blue Justice
Genre: Action/Adventure/Comedy
Last Update: 8/15/11 by blue
Status: Complete


The Legend of Blue Justice


"Do you even know what you're doing?" Fillup whispered frantically. "There's about twenty armed guards in there and frankly I'm finding that my faith in you is a little lacking."

Fillup's partner continued to twist the wires in the steel fence. He didn't stop to acknowledge Fillup's comments nor did he seem to care.

Still squatting, Fillup took a few steps back to give his new-found partner some working room. Fillup wiped his brow again with hairy wrist. He was starting to sweat, which for Fillup happened a lot. However, being a bigger, and slightly overweight individual had its perks. For example, no one ever thought twice about giving Fillup a hard time and Fillup noticed that people either showed him respect, or completely ignored him, which to him was another way of showing respect. He never liked trouble. Unfortunately, one of the bigger problems with being a tad bit overweight was that Fillup would sweat profusely when he was nervous, under pressure, scared, happy, sad, or angry. To put it simply, life would make Fillup sweat and he hated it.

Fillup looked back through his binoculars to recount the number of guards that surrounded the facility. Fillup cursed under his breath. Another bead of sweat, this time from his forehead, rolled down over his brow and sat comfortably on the binoculars.

"Now there's twenty-three." Fillup looked over at his partner, who seemed to be finishing up with the fence.

"Did you hear me, man?" Fillup whispered. 'There are twenty-"

"Shut up fatty", the partner replied. "I heard you. Now you coming or what?"

Fillup started to sweat even more. His partner obviously was not one of the many people who showed respect to the overweight. Fillup made a mental note of this as he crawled over to the hole in the fence.

His partner had already crawled through and was rummaging through a knapsack. Fillup started to crawl through, head first then his shoulders, but then he stopped. He was stuck. Fillup cursed again. He looked to his partner who was still focused on the knapsack, completely oblivious to his overweight friend.

"Hey man, I'm stuck". Fillup voice cracked. "I can't move."

"Yea I know", his partner replied nonchalantly, his eyes still focused on his knapsack.

Fillup was completely drenched in sweat at this point.

"Can you get out? Maybe cut a bigger hole or somethin?"

Fillup tried to back out again and failed. Fillup looked back at his partner who was now holding a silenced pistol pointing it directly at Fillup. Fillup was now soaking in multiple bodily fluids as he started  at the barrel directly in front of him. He couldn't even talk.

"You know what you can do?" Fillup's partner replied.

Fillup didn't respond, instead his eyes started to water up mixing with the sweat that was already dancing across his face.

Fillup's partner made a circular gesture with the gun. "You can lose all that extra lard so next time you fit." His partner holstered the gun, turned around, and started to make his way toward the facility leaving Fillup behind. Realizing that he would not be dying tonight Fillup tried to focus his thoughts so he could speak - but unfortunately he didn't know what to say or do so he just said the first thing that came to mind before his partner was too far to hear him.

"W-W-Who are you..?"

His partner turned around to answer but Fillup had already passed out. He chuckled to himself and continued toward the facility.

"God, I'm hungry..."

He took a few steps forward before rolling behind one of the facilities main generators. He smirked at the poor design of the facility. "Main generators on the perimeter. A simple steel fence." He craned his neck over the large metal box, "And only two sentry towers placed at the front." He looked back to where he had dropped off his extra baggage. "Fatty'll be just fine. Even if they have the brains to send out a patrol unit, they'll mistaken him for a misplaced mortar."

Still, in order to make it back to his partner before he drowned in his own sweat, the man knew had to move quickly. And so, keeping in the shadows, he began to plant C4 on all of the generators.

For him, it was easy. Too easy. He was hoping for more of a challenge. During his briefing, he had been told that this was a top priority mission, very dangerous. But thirty minutes had gone by without detection, and he had successfully planted C4 on 12 of the 13 targets he was assigned.

He was so disappointed by the ease with which he snuck by the enemy that he was tempted to engage a few hostiles of his own volition.

He saw a group of them playing Call of Duty in the facility's hangar. And the desire to bust in there, screaming, "Call me, Duty!" while emptying a few rounds into the air was almost irresistible. But years of training had prepared him to resist a temptation such as this, so he continued on his way until he found the last and prime target:

A lunch box.

Well, it was not the lunch box that was his target. Rather, it was the contents within that lunch box: an original sandwich, unlike any of the sandwiches ever known to mankind. Designed by the world's top chefs to taste the most delicious, created by the world's top fashion designers to look the most beautiful, and engineered by the world's top scientist to give the consumer of the sandwich an ability beyond his or her imagination, this was not your momma's simple ham sandwich.

He had not been told what powers the sandwich would bestow upon the consumer. All he had been told was that he had to destroy it.

And so, with the stealth of a snow leopard and the agility of a spider monkey, he approached the unsuspecting lunch box with his final package of C4. He opened the lunch box, preparing to plant his final explosive right on top of the sandwich...

...when the smell hit him like a sack of fifty double-doubles from In-N-Out.

There was no amount of training that prepared him for this...

"Don't do this, Jay," echoed a raspy voice. "You and I both know that destroying this sandwich won't bring her back."

Jay looked around trying to pinpoint the source of this familiar sounding voice. 

"Jay, c'mon", the voice continued. "Put down your weapons and walk away from the sandwich. You're wasting your time."

Jay's eyes were darting around the dim warehouse, still unable to track down the voice. 
"Who are you?!
"How do you know my name?"

There was no response. Jay couldn't hear anything except the distant yelling and gunfire from the guards still playing Call of Duty down the hall. Jay took a deep breath, ignored the voice and pulled out the C4 device.

This device was different from the other normal C4 charges because this one was only a few centimeters in size and it was created for the sole purpose of destroying this sandwich. Jay placed the C4 charge on top of the sandwich; the smell no longer had its overpowering effect. Jay took a few steps back and looked one last time at the delicious sandwich sitting before him. 

"What a waste", he said to himself. 

He took out the detonator and popped open the safety cap that separated the kill switch from his thumb. He placed his thumb on the blinking green button and pressed it.


Dumbfounded, Jay looked at the detonator and pressed the button a few more times. Still nothing. Suddenly, Jay caught movement in the corner of his eye. Reflexively, he drew his M9 silenced pistol and fired to shots into the darkness. 

"I see you're still a bad shot, Jay". It was the voice again. "Look, since you won't listen to reason I have no choice but to force you to leave." 

With that a small figure, about 4 and a half feet tall emerged from the shadows opposite of  where Jay placed his two shots. It only took Jay a few seconds to recognize the person standing in front of him. Jay's eyes grew wide and started to back away from the figure. 

"" Jay stuttered. "I saw you die three years ago."

"Did you?" the figure replied.

Jay raised his eyebrow. "Um...yes. I literally saw you die three years ago."

"How did you know it was me?" the figured replied.

Jay was getting a little annoyed now. "Um...because I was with you the whole time up until the point where you died?"

"Yea? You were with me?"


"How'd you know I was dead?"

"Um...because you had a large 100,000 volt metal spike impale you from the other side of the room, where you then burst into flames and screamed in agony as the fires slowly consumed your flesh to the point where they could no longer identify the body," replied Jay.

The figure stopped walked towards Jay and stood still as if he was contemplating Jay's explanation. Then he replied coolly, "So you couldn't identify the body?"

"Yes..." Jay replied.

"'d you know it was me?" repeated the figure.

At this point Jay was so frustrated that he rushed the dark figure with a blinding rage. Unfortunately, Jay forgot about the sandwich in the middle of the room and tripped over the lunchbox which crushed the sandwich and the C4 charge. Jay quickly got to his feet and looked over at what was left of the once heavenly sandwich. It was nothing but a soggy mess; the C4 had detonated when it was crushed leaving a tiny fist sized crater in the concrete floor. Only a few pieces of bread, meat, cheese, and lettuce were left scattered around the crater. 

"What have you done?!" the figure gasped. "Now you'll never see Poopa and Batters again!!" 

With that the figure vanished into a cloud of smoke that smelled a combination of cinnamon and chocolate. 

"What is going on?" Jay thought to himself. 

Unfortunately, before he could gather his thoughts completely he heard yelling and screaming coming from outside the warehouse and it was getting closer. Jay cursed. The guards heard the commotion and was rushing towards the warehouse. Jay ran to the other side of the warehouse hoping to find an exit, but there wasn't one. He frantically scanned the room for an opening he could climb through but it was sealed tight. Suddenly the front door to the warehouse exploded and armed guards rushed into the room with their guns drawn. Jay found himself facing fourteen well armed guards with semi-automatic rifles and body armor. They focused their guns at Jay as another guard walked up to the crater in the middle of the room. Realizing that the mess in the middle of the room was what was left of the sandwich, the guard fell to his knees and wept silently.

Jay's hands were still in the air as he watched this big burly man weeping silently to himself. Perhaps he was hungry too.

Fillup woke up with a start. "Where am I? What's happening?" He mumbled to himself, his eyes still bleary from sleep.

However, just a few seconds was all he needed to remember where he was and who had left him there. With a body slick (and thinner) from his excessive perspiration, Fillup was finally able to pull himself through the hole and to the other side.

"Now, where did he go?" He looked left and right, scratching his head.


Fillup immediately dove to the ground, covering his neck with his hands and burying his face in the dirt. He had learned years ago that in this position, the enemy often mistook him for a large boulder.

"Fatty, don't be stupid. I still see you."

Fillup lifted his head, his eyes darting to see who was talking. At first he had thought it was his partner, for no one else had dared to call him, "Fatty," before. But this voice was distinctly different from the deep voice of his partner's.

"Please stand up and get behind the generator." The voice spoke again. "You're killing me, man. What do they teach you at headquarters?"

Still feeling frightened and insecure, Fillup opted to crawl over to the generator. So, for a painfully long 20 meters, Fillup dragged his large, sweaty body, leaving a dark trail behind him. When he finally made it to the generator, he was panting, sweating heavily, and covered in mud. 

Fillup stood up shakily, resting his hands on his knees. Then, he looked up, hoping to find the source of the voice. He didn't see anyone. He scratched his head a second time, wondering if he had gone mad. "But I know I heard it," he muttered.

He walked all around the generator, hoping to find the source of the voice. All he found was the C4. His partner had been through here. He was about to continue checking all of the other targets, when he felt a tug on his leg.

Fillup almost screamed. However, right as he opened his back hole of a mouth, an agile figure leapt to the top of the generator and slapped a gloved hand over his mouth. "If you scream, I'll scream. And if I scream, the Earth will explode. Do you understand?"

Fillup's eyes filled with tears. He didn't understand at all. He just wanted to go home to his wife and kids. This had just been one big, terrible nightmare. 

"You gotta pull yourself together," the figure hissed. "Now, I'm going to remove my hand. You won't scream, right?"

Fillup nodded.

"Good. Because I'm not joking. If I scream, the frequency is such that it was change the orbit of the Earth and all of us will plummet into the sun."

Fillup nodded again.

Slowly, the figure uncovered Fillup's mouth. "Now, I have to have a little reunion with my friend. I should be quick. If things go well, well be back with cookies. Literally. Do you like chocolate chip?"


"Good. Chocolate chip it is. What about white macadamia nut?"

"I like those more."

"Good man. So that will be scenario number one: the ideal scenario. But, if he screws up, there will be no cookies."

Fillup felt tears fill his eyes again. The figure placed a hand on the large man's shoulder in comfort. "But I've been craving cookies for a while," Fillup confessed, the tears rolling down his cheeks almost as quickly as the sweat down his temple.

"We all have, Fatty. We all have." The figure took a breath. "But like I said, if he screws this up, there will be no cookies. Instead, I will return here with a missile launcher. And what you'll need to do is fire a missile into the wall of that building over there. See it?"

Fatty squinted to see where the figure was pointing at. After locating it, he asked, "Why can't you just shoot it?"

"I'm four feet tall. I can barely carry an AK-47 and you think I can place a missile launcher on my shoulder? You're an idiot." The figure sighed in exasperation. "Anyways, that's what's going down. Am I clear?"



And with that, the figure disappeared, leaving behind a cloud of smoke that smelled like a combination of cinnamon and chocolate.

Fillup waited patiently by the generators praying that the figure would return with cookies. He was practically salivating at the thought of them. He was just so hungry. 

His thoughts were interrupted by another tug on his leg. Fillup looked down to see the figure staring up at him with an unamused expression. "No cookies," the figure stated simply before pointing to something a few feet away. "This was as far as I could drag the missile launcher. Do what I told you. And do it quickly. A big, burly man can only sob over a soggy sandwich for so long."

Though Fillup didn't know what the figure was talking about, he lumbered over the missile launcher and carefully placed it on his shoulder. Faced with the pressure of hitting the wall of the building in one shot, Fillup felt himself sweat more. It was getting to the point where he couldn't even see clearly. Still, with the figures constant pressuring, Fillup decided he would just have to take a chance and shoot even though he wasn't sure if he would hit the mark. And so, with one shaky finger, he pushed the button to shoot the missile.

"Perfect." He heard the figure say.

Fillup smiled, feeling triumphant that he had hit the target despite not really being able to see. Standing up, he wiped his eyes wanting to see the trajectory of the missile himself. However, when his vision was finally cleared, his lower jaw dropped in horror as he saw that his missile was not actually heading towards the building.

He had shot it straight into the sky.

"How is that perfect?!"

The figure smirked at him, "You'll see. Thanks for being such a terrible shot. You've done well." Then, he poofed away, yet again.
But then the figure poofed right back.

"I dropped my keys," the figured stated as it dropped to its knees and searched the grass. "Ah, here it is."
"What's the key for?" Fillup replied.

"It's for opening things." replied the figure. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

Fillup didn't like the figures tone so without thinking he slapped the figure across what would be the facial area. Unfortunately, the timing of the slap couldn't have been worse because Fillup's giant hand made contact with the figure at the exact moment when the figure was disappearing. The result was a loud pop as the figures head fell to the floor as the rest of the body had vanished - still leaving the sent of chocolate and cinnamon. 

Fillup panicked as he watched the hooded head roll down the grassy hill and bounce off the side of the facility. The head spun for a few moments before slowly coming to a stop. Fillup threw up.

"What have I done?" 

Not only did he slap the head off someone's body, literally, but he had no idea who that person was or where his partner had run off to. Even worse, this figure had promised him cookies which obviously was not longer going to happen. He had killed his only chance of getting cookies tonight. 

Fillup's train of thought was interrupted when he noticed that the figure's head had started to glow pink. The light was dim but it started to pulsate. Curious, Fillup slowly made his way toward the head and each step he took increased the rate at which the pink light would pulsate. However, before he could get close enough to make out the face of the figure, a young girl, perhaps in her early twenties, jumped out from a nearby bush and grabbed the pink glowing head, ran up the wall of the facility, and disappeared over the roof. 

After all he had been through tonight, Fillup was finally fed up with all the random people and figures that he had to deal with. Fillup stood up, beat his chest three times with his right hand, and with a mighty roar he screamed, "TRANSFORM!!"

Suddenly a bright white light erupted from Fillup's body and pierced the dark sky above. The light was so bright that people from thousands of miles away could see the single white beam emitting from the earth. The white beam only lasted a few seconds before it faded away leaving behind a newly transformed Fillup in its wake.

Fillup slowly opened his, still brown, eyes and slowly scanned his, still overweight, body as if he was making sure he was still in one piece. This is the second time he had transformed and he was still getting used to the effects. He looked up at the stars and closed his eyes. 

"You're not going to get away with this, girl who took the pink glowing head."

With that, Fillup placed both hands at his sides, looked up at the heavens and pushed off the ground with all his might. From a distance, a young boy who saw the white beam of light and followed it witnessed what he later told his friends as "a round ball flying towards the sky." 

Fillup could fly.

"Well, this is turning out to be quite interesting," Bee muttered to herself as she worked quickly to open her secret box of technological goodies.

The box opened with a click. Without another word she tossed the keys back into the hand of her currently decapitated anthropomorphic robot and picked out what looked to be an Xbox 360 controller. However, this controller had two additional analog sticks, one 9-digit number pad, two extra buttons, a turn knob, and a meter-long antennae.

Immediately, she began pressing different 3-digit combinations into the number pad, while fiddling with the turn knob.

"Come on, come on, come on."

There was a beep.

"Yes!" She let out a restrained cheer.

She placed her thumbs on two of the analog sticks and looked up towards the sky. Within seconds, the missile that Fillup had fired three minutes earlier came into sight. With the skill of a veteran gamer, she began to maneuver the missile towards her intended target.

That was until she heard a roar and saw a flash of white light pierce the sky.

"What the..."

Almost immediately after the sky went dark again, she saw a figure shoot straight up into the sky.

"Don't tell me that's-"


An incredibly empowered-looking Fillup was now flying back down, his eyes glowing with frustration and determination. He was headed straight for the missile that he had shot off course.

Bee, realizing his intention, panicked. "Oh no, no, no, no! Don't you dare, Fatty! DON'T YOU DARE!"

But Fillup couldn't hear her. And so, with a speed on comparable to one of the fastest jet planes in the world, Fillup caught up to the missile, somehow disassembled it without detonating it and threw the pieces into the sky.

"DENIED!" He called out in a booming voice, as he levitated 100 meters above the ground, drawing the attention of all of the guards below.

Then, he flew off into the horizon.

Bee just stared at his shrinking figure, feelings of fury building up in her. She hadn't wanted to use Fillup's help. She could've accomplished what she needed to with Willownyurfays 00923234. However, using the android alone would've resulted in the complete demolition of everyone in the facility save her, her robot, and Jay. She hadn't expected headquarters to give Jay a partner, even if that partner could turn into a gravity-defying bowling ball.

But she had had enough. She was not going to allow Fillup ruin her plans any longer.

She began to type three-digit combinations into her controller again. However, for the tenth combination, she inputted a 25-digit combination instead. Then, she pressed down on the turn knob. Immediately, the antennae began to glow.


Returning her fingers to the analog sticks, Bee smirked as she lifted her eyes to the horizon.

At first, the sound began was faint. But within a few more seconds, a very apparent scream could be heard. Fillup was flying back towards the facility. But this time, he was not in control.

Bee continued to control his body as she placed Willownyurfays 00923234 and its decapitated head in her backpack. Then, she ran towards the building where she had last left Jay. She could only hope that the man was still crying or that the ruckus caused by Fillup earlier had distracted them.

Unfortunately, the man had stopped crying; and no one in the building was aware of Fillup's little light show. Bee knew she only had second before Jay would be shot in the head.

She had to improvise. And so, she changed the direction that Fillup was going and had him fly from behind her. The moment he was about to hit her, she leapt up onto his back. Fillup tried to turn his head to see what had jumped on him, but he found himself unable to move his muscles.

Bee, then, directed Fillup straight into the building.


Jay's eyes widened at the sight of his overweight partner flying towards him like superman and the girl sitting on his back. But he acted quickly and grabbed onto Fillup's arm and swung himself up. Then, Bee flew the three of them out of the building and into the night sky.

"What time is?" Jay asked Bee.
"Um...I'm kind of in the middle of flying us out of here Jay, I don't think now is the good time." she snapped.

Jay looked up at the stars as he felt the wind blowing through his hair.
"It looks like it's almost three in the morning." Jay said. Bee continued to ignore him as she was completely focused on controlling Fillup with the XBOX controller.
"God I am so tired." Jay continued. "How don't see how I can continue doing these late night missions, I'm getting a bit too old for this."
Jay looked at the sky again and sighed deeply. He continued, "I mean, if this was me a few years back I don't think there would have been any problem, but I mean tonight was a completely disaster. I don't even know where to start."
"Maybe you should just stop talking." Bee responded through her teeth.
Jay thought about what Bee said, "Maybe, huh?"

The rest of the trip was silent as Bee took the group across a vast ocean.


After flying for a few hours, Fillup, who was completely exhausted, crashed landed on an island that seemed to be placed in the middle of nowhere.

"That's odd," Bee said. "This island doesn't show up on my GPS."
"What are you saying?" Jay responded. "It just appeared overnight?"
"Gawd! That is SUCH a cliche thing to say." Bee exclaimed. "This isn't some Hollywood movie or silly fantasy novel, ok?!"
"Um..ok." Jay replied, slightly confused. "I wasn't meaning to sound cliche, I just figured it was a normal thought process."

Bee and Jay jumped off Fillup, who had passed out the moment they hit the sandy beach.

"Is he dead?" Jay asked as he poked his "partner's" hand with a branch. "It looks like he is."

Bee walked over to Fillup and placed two fingers on the side of his neck. "No, he has a pulse."

She walked back over to Jay and handed him his pistol and a small pack back.

"We should let him rest." Bee replied. "This is the first time I've ever used the device on someone for so long."

Bee looked back at the large man laying, half covered, in sand. "He wasn't ready for this, Jay." Bee sounded regretful. "Let's get a move on."

"Where are we going?" Jay replied as he checked his pistol for sand.

"We need to find the highest point and figure out exactly where we are." Bee replied.

With that, Jay and Bee slowly made their way up the beach towards the wooded area. However, as they approached the wooded area they could hear what sounded like a very low humming sound. It sounded like a generator of some kind, although neither one of them could identify such a device in the woods. It was too dark. The humming grew louder. Jay and Bee stood back to back with their weapons drawn, their eyes frantically scanning the forest, the sky, the sand, and the ocean.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light emitted from the ground below them and for an instant time stood still around the two explorers. Then the light dissipated. Jay and Bee both vanished with the light.

When the light dissipated, Jay and Bee found themselves standing in a dark, foggy room, with a giant fist in front of them. The fist was the size of a small house.

"What is this?" "Where are we?"

"Silence!" A deep voice bellowed from above them.

"Who are you?" Jay yelled back.

"I am hope when all hope is lost. I am joy when all joy ceases. I am love when all love vanishes. I am beauty when all beauty fades. I am warmth when all warmth freezes over. I am... other good things when those good things are gone..." The voice paused. "My name is Willis."

"What do you want with us, Willis?" Bee stepped forward, her eyes glancing at the large fist warily.

The fist lifted up into the air, causing Bee and Jay to jump backwards in fear. Were they about to be made into human pancakes for Willis to eat?

"I want a new superhero!" The voice boomed, the fist slamming back down on the ground, causing a tremor so great that it knocked both Jay and Bee to the ground. "I'm sick of all the old ones! And Hollywood is just exacerbating the fact by making all of these movies about old superheroes and trying to making them new and exciting... NO! NO MORE! WE NEED FRESH BLOOD!"

Jay stood up shakily, brushing himself off. "Well, what does that have to do with us then?"

"I know your past: what you are capable of; and I have decided, that you will be the next superhero."

Jay's eyes widened as he pointed to himself, "Me? You want me to become the next superhero?"

"Not just you. You're not that awesome. I want Bee to become one as well. Together, you will be one superhero."

"So you're going to chop us up and sew random pieces of us together like Frankenstein? You're sick!" Bee yelled from the ground - she had decided it was much more comfortable to remain lying there because whenever the voice spoke, the ground vibrated like a massage chair.

"No!" For the first time, an emotion similar to horror filled the voice's... voice. "That's disgusting and, frankly, unrealistic!"

Bee and Jay looked at each other and shrugged. The voice was right. It was at that moment that Jay realized Bee was lying on the ground.

"Hey, is that comfortable?"

"Like a massage."


Jay sat down next to Bee right as the voice cried, "Silence!"

"Oh! You're right!" Jay exclaimed to the girl sitting next to him. "The whole ground shook just now!"

"Right?! It's better than any masseuse I've been to."

"Will you two please shut up!? Please! I just want to finish this so you can be on your crime-fighting way!" The voice was sounding desperate now.

When Jay and Bee didn't speak, the voice continued. "All right. So, like I was saying, you'll be a two-in-one superhero. Therefore-"

"I love two-in-one deals at the supermarket."

"Yeah, man! Me too!"

"-your powers will only be activated if you are working together. And together, you will fight crime! And deliver justice!" The voice finished.

"What powers will we have?" Jay asked.

The voice laughed. "You will come to realize that with time and experience."

"So, what, I'll have to find myself about to burn in a fire before realizing that I'm immune to fire?" Bee frowned. "That's kinda just as messed up as the Frankenstein idea..."

"But... hmmm.. that's true. All right. I'll just tell you the powers that you may like to know beforehand. Ask me."

"Can we fly?"

"That- no. I don't think I need to answer that one. You figure it out on your own."



"Fine. Can we breathe underwater?"


"Can we withstand fire?"


"What's that mean?"

"Okay! No more questions!" The voice proclaimed. "Now, the last thing we must decide before you go is your superhero name! I've decided the easiest thing to do is to derive something from your first initials: J and B."

"I refuse to allow our initials to be JB." Bee grumbled. "Not because I don't want Jay's initial to be first or anything... but anything that can relate us back in someway to Justin Bieber will make me cry. Also, B comes before J in the alphabet."

"So, you're fine with BJ as our initials? BJ? Really?" Jay stared at the girl next to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Like BJ's the restaurant? Yeah!"

"Hmm... that's true. I love that place." Jay turned back to the fist. "All right. BJ will be our initials."

"Excellent! Now, think of the word that you would most like to embody as you save the world from the evils that wish to corrupt her inhabitants!"

Jay and Bee bowed their heads in thought.

"Jay, what shall the word be?" The voice asked him first.

"Justice." Jay declared, bringing a fist to his chest. "Because my heart rings with the need for justice to prevail for those who have been wronged!"

"EXCELLENT! Now, you, Bee. What is your word?"

Bee held up a finger, indicating that she was still thinking.

"Ugh. Leave it to a girl to take forever," Jay rolled his eyes.

"Seriously." The voice agreed. "Fist pound."

Jay pushed himself up and walked over to the large fist before bumping his fist against it. Then, he returned to his original spot and lay back down.

Bee was still thinking, when Jay, feeling very impatient, said, "Just think of how you want to make criminals feel after you beat them up! First word that popped up! Go!"


"What?! You want to make criminals feel blue after you beat them up?"

"Blue with sadness and shame and sorrow..."




"ALL RIGHT! Blue it is!" The voice shouted triumphantly. "So, henceforth, you shall be known as... say it with me now..."



Fillup woke up twenty-seven days later finding himself to be fit as a fiddle after his body had used up all his fat stores to maintain life. How he survived that long without water, however, is still a mystery. He is still respected by those who used to fear him because of his large body. And, unfortunately, those who called him Fatty before his transformation still call him Fatty. Regardless, he is much happier now because he can fit through holes of all shapes and sizes. Oh, and he finally got his cookies.

Willownyurfays 00923234 remained decapitated. And it never left Bee's backpack, which is still buried somewhere in the sand on that island that doesn't show up on any GPS.

Poopa and Batters were never seen by anyone again... not that anyone actually knows what or who they are... (even Jay doesn't really know...)

And as for Blue Justice... we'll... you'll just have to see about them...


1 comment:

  1. And then what happened? Did Fillup eat the glowing pink head after wrestling it from the girl?
